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Healing Powers

Home Treatments And Stretch Marks

Striae are a type of scarring over the skin with discolored hue. As time passes, it may reduce, but will not fade away completely. Stretch marks created during pregnancy, commonly within the last trimester, and usually on the belly, but also usually occurring over the breasts, thighs, hips, lower back and buttocks, are called as striae gravidarum.

Stretch marks are produced by cracking of the dermis. This is often from the rapid expanding of the skin associated with excessive growth or speedy alterations in weight. Striae may also be altered by hormonal deviations affiliated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding, or hormone replacement therapy.

There is no evidence that ointments used during pregnancy stop stretch marks. Once they have formed there isn't any clearly useful remedy even though varied things are used.

Stretch marks, start as red colored or purple lesions, which can appear anywhere on the body, but more prone to occur in areas where larger levels of fat are kept; the most prone portions are the stomach, breasts, upper arms, underarms, back, thighs, hips, & butts. As time passes, they incline to atrophy and lose color.

Natural Remedies

1) Potato Juice

It assists us a lot to get rid of striae. Potato consists of starch, a material with soothing qualities that calms the skin. The subsistence of antioxidants within potatoes aids reduce stretch marks. Antioxidants are compounds that transport electrons or hydrogen from an element to an oxidizing agent & they can prevent or gradual cell damage. After the formation, free radicals commence a chain reaction which can cause damage or death to a cell. Antioxidants are substances that can react with free radicals & terminate the chain reaction prior to vital molecules are damaged.

2) Aloe Vera

It is one of the most well-known treatments for striae. Aloe Vera leaves secrete a transparent gel when broken off from the rest of the plant which may be administered to treat wounds & it also contains plant collagen that immensely aids in repairing the skin. Collagen is one of the most important proteins which makes our skin elastic. Collagen is greatly helpful to the skin as it aids in reducing wrinkles, fine lines, reverse age of skin, tighter skin, plump up the skin and also improve the elasticity of the skin.

3) Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a popular stretch marks removal home treatment. It's a great source of alpha hydroxy acids & Vitamin C. Vitamin C secures the formation of collagen. Collagen is a protein consisting of amino acids & produces almost 30% of the proteins within the body. They are located in sturdy structures of the body for instance tendons, bones & ligaments. It aids in the multiplication of cells and blood vessels and helps hugely to sustain the strength of the skin.

4) Alfalfa

Alfalfa sprout is famous for weight loss. It is also an effective remedy for stretch marks as well. It is high in Vitamin K, Vitamin E, and amino acids. Vitamin E helps neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals that impair collagen which is the key factor of wrinkles, fine lines & skin dryness.

5) Cocoa- Shea Butter Cream

Cocoa- Shea butter cream is productively used for stretch marks removal. It is high in antioxidants & Vitamin E. Antioxidants shield skin by limiting the formation of free radicals which may harm skin cells.

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